1 برنامج رائع لحدف او تقطيع الفيديو الأربعاء أبريل 27, 2011 6:32 am
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اسم البرنامج
All Video Splitter
يمكنك من حذف او تقطيع الفيديو ويدعم الصيغ ...AVI, MPEG, ASF or WMV
All Video Splitter can help you split, cut or trim a large AVI, MPEG,
ASF or WMV file into smaller video clips. Using the included video
player, you can easily cut AVI, MPEG, ASF or WMV file by time or the
selection as needed. You can extract multiple segments of any size by
using the visual editing mode, or automatically have the program cut
the AVI, WMV, ASF or MPEG file into multiple pieces of equal size. The
program does not require any technical experience and is very easy to
xp and vista
من هناااااااااا
[/size]اسم البرنامج
All Video Splitter
يمكنك من حذف او تقطيع الفيديو ويدعم الصيغ ...AVI, MPEG, ASF or WMV
All Video Splitter can help you split, cut or trim a large AVI, MPEG,
ASF or WMV file into smaller video clips. Using the included video
player, you can easily cut AVI, MPEG, ASF or WMV file by time or the
selection as needed. You can extract multiple segments of any size by
using the visual editing mode, or automatically have the program cut
the AVI, WMV, ASF or MPEG file into multiple pieces of equal size. The
program does not require any technical experience and is very easy to
xp and vista
من هناااااااااا
الموضوع الاصلي : برنامج رائع لحدف او تقطيع الفيديو المصدر : منتديات أميرالرومنسية ماجد المهندس